For nurses


    You have had your first interview with an executive officer of Euronize. We would like to make every effort to make it possible for you to come to the Netherlands and get a good position as a medical specialist and above all to lead a good social and professional life.

    The Dutch and European governments have introduced strict rules that medical doctors must comply with if they want to come to the Netherlands from outside the EU to live and work here.

    Strict rules have also been set for doctors who live in another EU country and from there want to come to the Netherlands to live and work here.

    For all doctors, they must master the Dutch language at the B2+ level which lies between B2 and C1. In addition, specific 

    word knowledge should be available with regard to professional terminology.

    Your personal profile.

    Another very important aspect of our procedure is the very precise mapping of your personal circumstances, your personal ambitions, your wishes regarding further training and your specific interest in sub-areas within your field.

    medical human resource services

    Job security, salary and benefits.

    Being a partner of Euronize means that you will be provided with long term employment agreements, an excellent salary and good benefits like a pension, 25 vacation days a year, social benefits and  an income security in cases of illness.

    The candidate has two options:

    1. The candidate signs an Employment Agreement (Avio Bridge Agreement): in this option the candidate will sign a employment agreement with Euronize to work as employee based on agreed upon terms and conditions. Euronize as an employer will secure a job opportunity for the candidate and consequently will cover most of the costs relating to moving to work in NL.    
    2. The candidate signs a Recruitment Agency Agreement: in this option the candidate will sign a recruitment agency agreement with Euronize to mandate Euronize  present him to the employers in NL and other EU country and find an appropriate job opportunity. Based on the agency agreement, the candidate will undertake pay the costs relating to the program partially during the program and the reminder after the arrival to NL. 

    Services of the Euronize Healthcare organization and the cost involved.

    Euronize Healthcare will provide support on several areas:

    • Language courses and skills development training,
    • Deployment and settlement including family,
    • Licensing and
    • Permanent residency and citizenship. 

    The cost of the program will vary based on the candidate profile and skills. A full estimate of the program costs will be presented upon the final evaluation of the candidate profile and skills.  

    Phase 1:  Information Phase

    Time schedule: 2-3 weeks

    A. In this phase, an analysis of the CV is made and an introductory meeting (online) takes place.

    In this meeting there is an introduction of the Euronize Healthcare organization, general vison and objectives, introduction of the candidate, broad overview of the total process. We will assist the candidate in rewriting the CV in such a way that responsible managers in government agencies and healthcare companies will be provides the needed information in the most efficient manner.

    B. Completing the documents : Personal Profile Document (PPD), Personal Questionnaire Document (PQD)

    C. 2nd (online) meeting.  During this meeting we evaluate in detail the CV, PPD and PQD. We also explain the next steps : collecting the diploma information and preparing the acknowledgement by the Dutch Government (NUFFIC).

    D. Explanation of the Aviobridge Agreement and cooperation with EURONIZE HEALTHCARE. Signing the Aviobridge Agreement.

    E. Making a short video (Candidate Presentation Video ) done by the candidate in English. We will provide a format. 2-3 minutes introduction, experiences, ambitions, motivation.

    F. Opening the process of diploma acknowledgement with the Dutch Government (NUFFIC)

    G. The NUFFIC will take 4-6 weeks for the diploma assessment.

    Phase 2: Introduction to a Dutch Healthcare Organization

    A. EURONIZE HEALTHCARE will present a summary of the CV, Personal Profile and Personal Questionnaire together with the Candidate Presentation Video to the management of the healthcare organization. If there is a good match between the requirement of the organization and the profile and ambitions of the candidate we will organize a first online meeting. On request of the organization, we might organize a 2nd online meeting.


    B. An additional agreement will be made with Euronize Healthcare about placing the candidate at the healthcare organization location. (job position, specific tasks, salary, working hours, duration of the period (1 year or longer)

    C. At the same time an agreement will be made between the Candidate and EURONIZE HEALTHCARE for at least 24 months. It is the goal of EURONIZE HEALTHCARE to establish a long term cooperation with the candidate. This means that after the 2nd  year an agreement for indefinite time will be made with the candidate. The working location might stay the same, or it can be another location, all in good understanding with the candidate.

    Phase 3:  Language Course

    A. Time schedule 8-12 weeks. Start of the 1st part of the Dutch language course. We will achieve the A2 European level. This part will be ended with a written exam. We will also start with skype lessons. Depending on the possibilities according to the availability of time to be invested by the candidate : 2,3 or 4 skype sessions per week. 

    B. Time schedule 8-12 weeks. Start of the 2nd part of the Dutch language course. We will achieve the B1 European level. This part will be ended with a written exam. We will also use skype lessons. Depending on the possibilities according to the availability of time to be invested by the candidate : 2,3 or 4 skype sessions per week. In this part we will try to introduce as many specific medical terminology as possible. The teacher will monitor the progress and she/he

    C. Time schedule 8 – 12 weeks. Start of the 3nd part of the Dutch language course. We will achieve the B2+ European level. This part will be ended with a written exam. We will also use skype lessons. Depending on the possibilities according to the availability of time to be invested by the candidate : 2,3 or 4 skype sessions per week. In this part we will try to introduce as many specific medical terminology as possible.

    The time schedules are a rough estimate. If a candidate is very motivated and has at least 4,5 hours per week for Skype sessions and 10-12 hours a week for studying it can be achieved in 24 weeks. If the candidate can enjoy an early arrival agreement, the 3rd part can be done in The Netherlands and might go quicker, because the candidate will encounter Dutch the whole day.

    EURONIZE HEALTHCARE will provide the Dutch lessons in cooperation with an International Language Learning Company and professional Dutch teachers for the SKYPE lessons.

    Phase 4:  Arrival in The Netherlands

    A. Depending on the agreement with the healthcare organization, we might start working already after the candidate has achieved the B1 level Dutch language. The candidate needs to be at the B2+ level to get the BIG registration in The Netherlands. Only with this registration, it is possible to work in The Netherlands as a registered licensed Medical specialist. If an “early start” is part of the agreement, the candidate will go to The Netherlands after he/she passed the B1 exam.

    B. EURONIZE HEALTHCARE will assist in finding a suitable house. A lease contract will have to be in place at least 1 month before arrival.

    C. EURONIZE HEALTHCARE will organize a BSN (civilian registration number), and a bank account on the name of the candidate in The Netherlands. 

    D. EURONIZE HEALTHCARE will organize a visa to live and work in The Netherlands. The 1st term will be 1 year and will be renewed every year. After 5 years people will be able to get a permanent visa and a Dutch passport.

    E. EURONIZE HEALTHCARE will organize a job position for the partner of the candidate, if possible.

    F. EURONIZE HEALTHCARE will organize registration at a school for children of the candidate. An experienced Dutch medical specialist will guide and monitor these preparations.

    G. Start preparation for the AKV exam and the BI exam. We will organize online lessons and written material for studying. 

    H. If early arrival is not a part of the agreement with the Healthcare Organization, the candidate will only arrive in The Netherlands, after he/she passed the B2+ exam. The official B2+ exam will be in The Netherlands and will be part of the AKV exam.

    Phase 5:  Final Registration at The BIG Register in The Netherlands

    A. If we have an agreement for early arrival, the candidate will already be living and working in The Netherlands, when he/she achieved the B1 level. During this time in The Netherlands the candidate will work in a assistant-position” under the supervision of another medical specialist, according to Dutch Law. During this time period the candidate will be prepared for the 2 exams:

    1. The AKV Exam . Dutch language proficiency is an important part of this AKV test. English reading skills, ICT skills and knowledge of Dutch healthcare are also part of the test. Medical doctors who have done their study within an EU country do not have to do the AKV test.
    2. The BI-test. This is a test according specific medical knowledge. Medical doctors who have done their study within an EU country do not have to do the BI-test.

    B. If there is no agreement for early arrival. The candidate will do a test exam for B2+ language, for the AKV exam and for the BI exam, before the candidate comes to The Netherlands.

    C. The Candidate will have to do official exams in The Netherlands for The B2+ language, the AKV exam and the BI exam. If everything is done and approved by the Dutch Government the candidate can be registered at the Dutch BIG register and can work in The Netherlands as a licensed Medical specialist if the Committee on Foreign Graduate agrees.

    All information on the NUFFIC diploma assessment, the results of the AVK test, the results of the Professional Content test and the specific work experience of the candidate will be assessed by the Committee on Foreign Graduates Healthcare. (CBGV)

    The CBGV is having a conversation with the candidate about the advice to be given to the Minister  of Public Health. The Minister assesses whether the candidate can be registered in the BIG register.

    In this interview, the CBGV includes the assessment of the results of the medical-content knowledge and skills tests and, where relevant, the documents submitted by the candidate. The consultation is an informative conversation about the content of the advice to the Minister.

    The committee consists of a chairman and a representative from each university center. In addition, there is a secretary present who will guide you inside. He will then write down everything that is discussed with you during the conversation.

    The following decisions can be made:

    • The candidate is advised that he is considered to be competent, does not require additional training and can be registered in the BIG register, provided that experience of working in the Dutch health care system is first acquired under supervision for at least 12 weeks and the candidate during that period is also assessed for professional conduct and knowledge of the Dutch healthcare system.
    • The candidate is advised that, before being included in the BIG register, he must acquire additional medical knowledge and skills. The duration of this supplementary training shall be at least six months and a maximum of 1 year, which is decided by the Committee on the course of the results of the professional tests. The additional training should be followed at one of the University Medical Centers in the Netherlands.

    Phase 6:  Cooperation with EURONIZE HEALTHCARE as a licensed and BIG registered Medical specialist

    After achieving the BIG registration the candidate will cooperate with EURONIZE HEALTHCARE for at least 24 months and work as a Medical specialist. After this time period the objective is to establish a more permanent cooperation. All additional benefits like budgets for additional studies and courses will be made available by EURONIZE HEALTHCARE. Every 6 months there will be an evaluation and we will talk about how we can provide additional services if the candidate has more specific requirements or needs.


    CV Curriculum vitae. Complete overview of all personal data, education, working experiences, research projects, publications, additional courses or workshops and references.

    PPD Personal Profile Document. In detail described specific professional experiences in problem solving. Specific ambitions and goals to be achieved. Preferences for job positions. Ideas for further education and courses. Ideas on career development. 

    PQD Personal Questionnaire Document. Detailed document in depth information more specific career ambitions, job specific ideas on working hours, job positions and education. Personal background, family background.

    Aviobridge agreement
    Agreement of the candidate with EURONIZE HEALTHCARE for the cooperation from start to
    finish for the recruitment process and the cooperation after the BIG registration and if applicable, after the KNMG registration has been achieved.

    AKV “Algemene Kennis en Vaardigheden” : General knowledge (about healthcare) in The Netherlands, Dutch language, English language, ICT skills and some additional important information, needed to work and live successfully in The Netherlands. Candidates need to pass the AKV exam for achieving a BIG registration.

    BI “Beroepsinformatie” : Specific knowledge about the medical profession. Also proof of specific professional medical skills. This means that the test will be different for each and every medical specialist. E.g. Lung specialist, Oncologist, ENT specialist etc. Candidates need to pass the BI exam for achieving a BIG registration.

    BIG-register “Beroepen in de Individuele Gezondheidszorg” is a register executed by the Dutch Government, Ministry of Healthcare. The agency that is in charge of all procedures is the CIBG. 

    NUFFIC The “old meaning” of the word was Netherlands Universities Fellowships For International Cooperation”. Nowadays the tasks are broader. We will use the part that takes care of certifying or acknowledging the international diplomas. 

    CBGV Commissie Buitenlands Gediplomeerden Gezondheidszorg”  Committee on Foreign Graduates Healthcare. All information on the NUFFIC diploma assessment, the results of the AVK test, the results of the Professional Content test (BI test) and the specific working experience of the candidate will be assessed by the Committee on Foreign Graduates Healthcare.

    KNMG “Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij to bevordering de Geneeskunst “ This is the Dutch Royal association for improving medical practise. Specific knowledge about the medical profession. Also proof of specific professional medical skills. This means that the test will be different for each and every medical specialist.

    E.g. Lung specialist, Oncologist, ENT specialist etc

    Healthcare Organization

    In this document we mention the terminology “healthcare organization”. This can be a hospital, a private clinic, a mental healthcare organization, a nursing home, a medical organization for disabled people etc.

    B2+ Dutch language level

    The difference between B2 and B2+ level is that the medical doctor must know specific medical terminology. Most likely this will cover 400 – 600 specific medical terms. And the medical doctor must be able to use the terminology in correct manner.